Monday, 31 July 2017


Plagiarism is an act of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author`s works as one`s own, as by not crediting the original author.

Considered plagiarism
1. turning in someone else`s work as your own
2. copying words or words or ideas from someone else without giving credit 
3. failing to put a quotation in quotation marks 
4. giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation 
5. changing words but copying the sentences structure of a sources without giving credit

Preventing plagiarism
1. planning your paper
  -consult your instructor/lecturer
  -plan your paper
  -take effective notes
2. writing your paper
  -cite sources
  -make it clear who said what
  -know how to paraphrase
   -evaluate your sources
  -include a reference page
Grade point average(GPA) is can be calculated in final exam results

GPA= the total credit values registered and attempted in the assessment of a semester
the total credit units acquired in the same semester

1. multiply each numeric grade value by the numbers of credit the course was worth
2. add these numbers together
3. divide by the total number of credit you took
4. your GPA

CGPA= the total values registered and attempted in the assessment of all semesters
the total credit units acquired in all semesters


Why take lecture notes?
1. Promotes active listening
2. Provides an accurate records of information
3. Helps you organize the information
4. Provides additional repetition
How to take lecture notes?
1. Evaluate your note-taking skills
-consider the content
-consider the organization
         2. prepare before taking notes
         3. become an active listener
            -deciding you want to listen
            -paying attention to the lecture
           -selecting relevant information
           -ignoring the distractions around you
           -interpreting the information to make it meaningful
           -condensing the information before writing it down
           -organizing the information under the appropriate headings or subheadings
            Taking notes

Use an effective note-taking system
Three note-taking systems
1. The informal outline

2. The block method

3. The modified-block method


1. Recite from the headings
2. Recite from the recall questions

3. Talk about the information with other


Memory, improving concentration and reading system
In this topic, memory, concentration and reading system are focusing to.
In exam, students need is effective study plan, study strategies and a good memory. Information is learned and understand the needs of using various kinds of active learning, retaining, and using the information and hence, indicates how one learns, remembers, forgets. That things students need to understand how it works.
Information processing have three things.
1. Sensory memory
It`s also known as the sensory registers. All of our senses are really busy for all time. All of that are hundreds of stimuli each moments and most of the moments are not important and easy for being forgotten.
2. Short-term memory
In this memory, it has two components: immediate memory and working memory. 
Immediate memory is related to the concept of consciousness. Immediate memory is like an small desk, in one hour study session you may work on several tasks at your desk. Your desk is very small and you will put another things on your desk away. It just same like immediate memory.
Working memory is the place for the information to hold on and get it into your long-term.
3. Long-term
Once material has been processed in working memory. It can be moved into long-term memory. Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.

Retrieval and forgetting
1. Never really learned it
2. Not understand the information
3. Cramming
4. Stored with too few cues
5. Interference
6. Test anxiety
     General memory strategies
1. Spaced practice
2. Break task down
3. Repetition
4. Overlearning
Specific memory strategies
1. Rehearsal strategies
2. Elaboration strategies

-associations: acronyms or catchwords
How to create catchwords
1. Actual remains
2. Petrified
3. Imprint
4. Molds and casts

1.  Lack of attention
2.  Lack of interest
3.  Lack of motivation
4.  Distraction from others
5.  Uncomfortable environment
6.  Physiological matters – illness, tiredness
7.  Psychological matters – personal problems, worries, anxieties

1. survey
2. questions
3. read
4. recite

5. review


Manage time is important in university career and personal career. Using time correctly can help you get done the task in time before date line.

5 strategies of study system
1. Weekly schedule
2. Daily planner
3. Semester calendar
4. Academic versus personal life
5. Avoid procrastination

What is procrastination?
Procrastination is the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
      What is it?
Psychological behavior that allows a person to postpone or delay a certain activity or task.
Source of great stress and anxiety for many people.
Reason why people procrastinate
1. Being a perfectionist
2. Avoiding failure
3. Avoiding success
4. Being rebellious
5. Feeling overwhelmed
6. Being lazy

How to overcome procrastination
1. You need  accomplish what you have know
2. Done the work before the dead lines
3. Do the schedule
4. Do the task in steps by steps
5. Do the important task first
6. Get self-rewards
7. Do the fun activities

Advantages of being organized
1. Go on with the schedule
2. Have done the work before the dead lines
3. Reduce stress of the undone works
4. Make your confidence increase of the ability
5. Avoid overlapping assignments

In this topics, the students must prepared a schedule for what the students do for tomorrow. For me it an easy task because I have done it in the every month.
For another activity, students must do a schedule for next full month.

For the third activity, students must do in the handout that have being prepared for us. We must do in job task analysis sheet, it just listed is a routine, rush or ASAP. 


This topics is quite important for students because they must do an assignment to get a marks for any subject they learn. In every campus, they have a resource for do the work.
There are three types of resource. For an examples is academic resources, housing, dining and transportation resource and student organization resources.
1. Academic resources
For an examples to academic resources is library, information technology and computers, registrar.
2. Housing, dining and transportation resources
For an examples to it is buses, and dining places.
3. Student organization resources
For an examples to it is extra-curricular and leisure activities.

A few things you need to know about UiTM library

1. Operation time for the library
For Monday to Friday is 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and for exam season is 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
For Saturday is 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and for exam season is 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
For Sunday is the library is closes and for exam season in 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
2. Zone in the library
There are three zone in the library.
First zone in enjoy zone. In this zone, you can have a discussion in a control voice and comfort.
Second zone is quiet zone. In this zone you must get your voice lower and you can talk but in a control voice. Your cellphone must be in silent mode.
Last zone in silent zone. In this zone no one can ever talk to each other and no chatting in the zone. In this zone is always silent and have no sound you can heard.
3. IT rooms
First IT room have 60 personal computers and second IT room have 60 personal computers.

In this topics, we have being giving an exercise to find a book that the librarian have decide to being choose. At the first time it will be hard but the book have being put in numbers for easy to track. We also learn on how to APA style.

What is APA style?

APA style is American psychology association and it was being used in ever countries. In 1929, APA style have being originated. Psychologists, anthropologists, and business managers group convened and sought to establish a simple set of procedures,or styles rules, that would codify the many components of scientific writing to increase the ease of reading comprehension. Concerns uniform use of such elements;
1. selection of heading, tone, and length
2. punctuation and abbreviations 
3. presentation of numbers and statistic 
4. construction of tables and figures 
5. citation of references 
6. many other elements that are a part of manuscript

                          general rules of APA styles


Goal setting and learning management system
In this topic, it will be discuss about goal setting. What is goal? Goal is a target that what we want to achieve. Goals are first priority in personal life or academic because it will help you to think positive in what you do and score in exam. If you think you have a little chances when you were already set some goals but those goals were realistic. In university, you actually can upgrade your academic performance with learning to set goals that motivate you to do well and more chance for success.
Characteristics of your goals that must be set
1. Goals should be self-chosen
2. Goals should be moderately challenging
3. Goals should be realistic
4. Goals should be measurable
5. Goals should be specific
6. Goals should be finite
7. Goals should be positive

Short term and long term goals
A few students have a long term goals but not a short term goals in their mind set. Short term goals will help you to achieve your target for the future and it will help you to set long term goals. Short term goals, it about what you set in your mind for an hour, a day, a week, a month or it can be in a semester. Long term goals, it is an objective for what you set in mind in a years, a decade.

Academic and personal goals
To keep your academic and personal goals balance is hard but it is important in university. Academic goals in about what are you set in your mind for what you do in university. In university, you must start to learn set your study goals. It will help you to achieve your academic goals. Personal goals is what you do in your life like sporting events, making new friends and a few more.
Set goals for the new semester
The first three week, you must start to set your new goals and start to use specific strategies to achieve what your goals.
Students don`t know what to change and how to change. It will happen to everyone that get in university from high school. In university, the learning way are totally difference in high school learning way. Most of the students is thinking that what they have do isn`t working. The students don`t think the change will help. Most of the students start to set a new strategies in university but they think it could be worth. And most of the students don`t use the strategies correctly. They just want to see if it will work or not.
Learn how to calculate your GPA
You need to consider how the grade you earn in each course contributes to your overall grade point average (GPA). Learn how to calculate GPA will help you to set a better goals.
Writing effective goal statements
Use five-step approach:-
1. Write down what you want to accomplish
2. Write down any obstacles
3. Write down any resources available to you
4. Review and revise your tentative goal statement
5. Polish your goal statement

In this topic, I have to present to another students what I want to accomplish with. It is hard to me because I never do it before but when I do it help me a little bit. Maybe I will do it again in this semester to get my goals for this semester.


In this topic is focuses on making the transition, concentrating on ice-breaking, as well as learning styles and characteristics of successful students.
It not easy to change from school learning style to university learning style. Both of the learning styles are needing effort or skill to do or to understand the right way of learning. The students may learn how to manage their time and life. Students also may know new friends, new things and difference lifestyles in new place.
1. Be an active learner
2. Be an strategic learner
3. Be a self-regulated learner
Factors That Influence Motivation
1. Goals
The students must have an effect motivation on doing task to be done. The students may not noticed that lack have their doing on the task but it was depend on the task that the students had been doing. Students must use the technology that they have to done the task easily. When students do the task they must take the motive for the next task.
2. Self-efficacy
The students must believe their own ability to complete the task but not any students have this. They just feel disbelieve on complete the task they being doing. Highly motivated will support you to achieve your goals.
3. Effort
Students must have believe to their ability to do the task. And this may need a strength of believe that the amount of effort to increase your task performance.

How to get Manage Your Money Worth
In the school, students may get enough money but in university the students must learn on how to manage the money. It not easy to manage your money when you in university but if you do is correctly the things may get easy.

1. Improve your academic standing
In the university, students must make improvement of the academic to achieve your GPA goal. If your GPA was in low grade, you need to repeat the semester but it need a great motivated to get a higher mark for your GPA. If you think you GPA is in good position, it not need to repeat the semester for the higher mark than before.
2. Avoid plagiarism
When the students is doing an assignments, the students may get guilty of plagiarism when they doing the assignment. The plagiarism is difficult to described but to easily for getting the meaning of plagiarism. Plagiarism in easy way of meaning is it can be described as taking a note from someone else`s ideas or words and used it like it was your ideas or your words.
3. Manage stress
This is very students have to focus more for make your study will not have a problems. What is stress? Stress is a feeling tense, overwhelmed or under pressure. Students must have a strategies for manage stress in their life.

Most of the students will get worry with their performance in academic but the experience students will have a great deal of stress about achieve the goal. Stress must be reduce with do the important things carefully. The students must have a support members to make problems decrease from be a bigger one.